Schedule of Events
Monday, 9 November
LIVE 2 p.m. EST: Welcome to President’s Circle Week 2020
with Byron F. Marchant ’78, USNA Alumni Association and Foundation President and CEO
Tuesday, 10 November: The Mission: Mental
with Dr. Andrew T. Phillips, Academic Dean and Provost, USNA
Wednesday, 11 November: The Mission: Physical
with Chet Gladchuk, Athletic Director, NAAA
Thursday, 12 November: The Mission: The Midshipman Experience
with Captain Thomas R. Buchanan '92, USN, Commandant of Midshipmen,
and a Midshipman Panel on Life on the Yard
Friday, 13 November
LIVE 2 p.m. EST: The Mission: Moral–The State of the Academy
with Vice Admiral Sean S. Buck '83, USN, Superintendent
Saturday, 14 November: Virtual “PC Tailgate”
UPDATE: Unfortunately, the Navy vs. Memphis football game scheduled for Saturday, 14 November has been POSTPONED. We’re disappointed to not be able to share that experience with you.
Check back for additional details on events as President’s Circle Week 2020 approaches!