Why Give?

fieldballA&SP Goals

The USNA Admissions Board recommends students to the Foundation (A&SP). A&SP currently sponsors up to 50 candidates for one year of post-high school study at 11 civilian and 4 military preparatory schools. The military schools are junior colleges. It is up to the accepted candidates to choose the schools they would most like to attend. Candidates recommended to the A&SP by USNA Admissions include men and women, athletes and non-athletes and students from varied backgrounds.

This year, the Athletic & Scholarship Programs through the Fund for Athletic Excellence helped provide more than $3.6 million in direct support to the 36 varsity teams, the many club and intramural teams and the Naval Academy Prep School in Newport, RI.

The A&SP has provided significant funding and support to the United States Naval Academy and the Physical Mission for over 79 years (since 1944). The impact on the Brigade, USNA facilities, athletics and scholarship programs continues to be significant.