
Alumni Membership

Annual Membership     Alumni Life Membership  
One Year $70   Graduated less than 20 yrs. $595
      Graduated 20 yrs. or more $550
      Graduated 30 yrs. or more $495
      Graduated 40 yrs. or more $395
      Graduated 50 yrs. or more $240
      Joint Life membership (spouse)  $25


Your alumni membership provides a lifetime of benefits, programs, and services for you and your family:

Shipmate magazine – is the official alumni magazine of the U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association and Foundation (USNA AA&F) . Distributed worldwide and available online, the mission of the magazine is to keep alumni, midshipmen, parents, donors, legislators, faculty, administrators, and friends informed, interested, and excited about the Naval Academy and the USNA AA&F.

The Daily Shipmate – You get access to this news product, intended to share news about the Naval Academy, the Naval Services and our members. 

Photo program – Members of the USNA AA&F have access to our photos throughout the year, including thousands more of the plebes during Plebe Summer as it happens. All photos are high resolution and are free to download for all active members.  

USNA Online Community (myUSNA) – your virtual Alumni Association. Keep your profile up to date, and stay in touch with other parents, alumni and friends. Enjoy complete access to all your Association programs and benefits on myUSNA and

Career Programs – whether you are transitioning out of the military; exploring changes in the civilian sector or considering post-graduate education, we are here to support you. Attending the Service Academy Career Conference (SACC) is a benefit of Life Membership for our graduates. 

Affinity programs – The USNA AA&F participates in the Amazon Affiliate Program, when you shop through this affiliate link, a percentage of your order total comes back to us. It's easy! 

Merchandise – great gifts and specialty items to show your USNA spirit at home and in the office, or on the ship, boat or aircraft.

Alumni Mentoring Program – Alumni from all classes can participate as volunteer mentors or protégés or both. These mentors and protégés (over 6,300 as of 31 May 2024), matched through an e-mentoring online platform, engage in meaningful, confidential discussions about today's challenges, career and life planning, goal setting, and moving forward. 

Alumni Travel – USNA Alumni Travel is open to alumni, parents, family, and friends to experience amazing destinations around the world. Whether it is a quick getaway or the trip of a lifetime—great trips, special access, and lots of new Navy travel friends. We hope you can join us soon.

USNA Class Ring Program – sales and service for rings, miniatures, and crest jewelry. Ring search and recovery assistance for graduates.

Class support – reunions, and more; from 5th to 75th—we help every class along the way.

Events – get early access, member pricing and more at great events hosted by the Alumni Association. Tailgates, Commissioning 101, special events and more.


NO renewals, membership passes to surviving spouse, access to Maryland affinity license plate program, lifetime Midshipman Store access, 25% discount on classified ads in Shipmate magazine.

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